When Nature Does Your Job For You

“She turned to the sunlight    And shook

The year before last my brother and his wife decided that they wanted to start raising chickens. My brother is especially enamored with the idea of being self sufficient, he’s been telling me how much he wants a goat for years now. They built a cute little chicken coop next to their homey cabin on Douglas Island, Alaska and somehow managed to acquire a handful of Transylvanian Naked Neck chickens.

They were fairly good egg producers, and from what I was told they provided hours of entertainment to their keepers. One day in spring though, they were sitting in their cabin when all of a sudden they heard a ruckus outside. My brother ran out there and immediately saw their coop was under assault by a wily black bear. Now SE Alaska black bears aren’t necessarily anything to be worried about. Of course they can be aggressive and should be given a wide berth, but for the most part they are about the size of a large Newfie and fairly timid.

Black Bear

In this particular case my brother only had to pick up an old snow shovel and shake it a bit and the bear in question took off for the hills. There was however one casualty. The noble chicken Blackavar (Yes named from Watership Down). Somehow the bear had been able to get a hold of him and I don’t know whether the chicken died from a broken neck or maybe just from the sheer terror of getting caught by a large land predator, but Blackavar’s body was undamaged by the bear’s teeth or claws so he seemed in perfect condition to still be eaten.

In the end, when it came time to move out of that quaint little cabin I think they ended up giving away a couple of their chickens and eating the rest. Well, except for another one that also got caught by a black bear, but lets just say that one was not salvageable.

They moved out of their cabin, put almost all of their stuff into storage and set off on an amazing month long adventure to Hungary and Croatia. From which they brought my back a TON of different Hungarian paprikas. This plethora of paprika played heavily into my creation of this Chicken Paprikash recipe. My SIL just told me yesterday that they also had catfish paprikash while they were there which is definitely something I’ll have to try with some halibut or rockfish.

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